This is about music.
It’s not about a product, it’s not about competition and it’s not about ones and zeros. I'm here to talk about that strong energy that keeps us moving, about the essence of music, and the essence of music is magic and simple. As simple as clapping hands, as simple as playing air instruments, as simple as gathering up with friends playing acoustic guitar and singing old school songs.
Music is the one thing that takes us from the troubled reality to a greater place, even when we’re not paying attention. It gives us that feeling so powerful that we can even allow ourselves to be ourselves.
Music is inspiration, music is color, music is vibration, music is pure energy. Music is passion, and that’s what has brought me here, and probably you, too. So that’s what I’m here to talk about – the passion for music.
Business? Well, that’s the one thing that makes it possible (and easier) for you and me to enjoy music and to create music. And I’m here to concentrate my efforts on contributing for that.

Monday, August 31, 2009

“Beirutando na Praça”: rediscovering the essence of music

Music flowing naturally, people who share the same musical taste interacting and exchanging influences, a whole community formed by music fans who seek to hear and make high quality, creative music that connects people across the world, all for the sake of creating a positive energy and fulfilling our need for meaningful experiences. This is, I believe, the essence of music, and for those who lost faith in it, here it is, beautifully illustrated in this great initiative – Beirutando na Praça.

Amazing how passion for music can drive people with will, talent and creativity to achieve great things. The idea that started out in a small conversation took shape through an open discussion in a larger group of people who share the same values and vision to bring it to life. With a very positive attitude, this group is bringing together fans of Beirut in a community of people who value good music, finding themselves and providing these people with a new motivation and greater perspective.

Last Sunday, Aug. 30, the “Beirutando” event took place at the Ibirapuera Park in Sao Paulo, as well as in other states in Brazil – Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, and the positive energy was so contagious that not only Beirut fans were enjoying it – it also caught the attention of many others who had never heard of Beirut before, but were deeply appreciating their music and the rapport built by the group (and are probably new fans of Beirut now!) The musicians, who had been rehearsing during several months, made an extraordinary performance playing Beirut’s songs and interacting with the audience, which generated a very positive response.
I had the opportunity not only to join the community and have a taste of this exciting musical experience, but also to witness what I’ve been longing to see in the music world: musicians who encompass what I call the “essence of music”. That is:
-Positive Energy

Now while this is something quite rare to find, this event has given me better hopes and perspective to keep believing in music. The idea was very clear in my mind, but now that I’ve experienced it for real I feel more like contributing to building this huge community of people who seek to find meaning through music - that is how the group that created “Beirutando” have been spreading the message: music can connect people.

To learn more about “Beirutando na Praça” access:
Photo: Raquel Toth. More photos at
And at:


  1. Olá Juliana, sou uma das integrantes Beirutando.

    Este evento mudou a vida de todos que participaram do projeto, e fico imensamente feliz com suas palavras. Acho q todos nós sentimos a mesma coisa neste dia; foi uma tarde realmente muito especial.

    É incrivel pensar o que boa musica é capaz de fazer em nossas vidas...

    Muito obrigado pelo seus post. bjus :)
